Exciting News!

Exciting News!

Parent-Child Relationships Program at the Barnard Center is very excited to announce that Dr. Nucha Isarowong has joined the Barnard Center to lead an Advanced Clinical Training Program to support  the infant mental health workforce. In this position, he will lead the...

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Promoting First Relationships – New Study Results!

Promoting First Relationships – New Study Results!

In its first randomized clinical trial within an American Indian Community, Promoting First Relationships significantly improved observed parental sensitivity (using the Parent-Child Interaction Scales) and parents knowledge of child development. These exciting...

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The Durable Feeling That a Child Is Always at Risk

The Durable Feeling That a Child Is Always at Risk

An incredible story by Dr. Rachael Pearson. Toward the end of the article she addresses how Promoting First Relationships® has helped her work from a strengths based approach as a pediatrician, how she has embraced the concept of "wondering" with parents, and thinking...

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Parent-Child Interactions (PCI) in Beijing

Parent-Child Interactions (PCI) in Beijing

Denise Findlay, Director of Education at Parent-Child Relationship Programs, taught at the second annual national training of doctors, nurses, and educators in the NCAST PCI scales in Beijing in April 2019. The picture is of Denise and the group of sponsors from AMCHS...

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BabyCues®   A Child’s First Language

BabyCues® A Child’s First Language

Using BabyCues cards is a fun and informative way to visually convey information to parents and caregivers about the ways in which babies and young children communicate with us non-verbally. It is also a great way to educate yourself, whether a parent or parent...

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